Professional bid support
“Never underestimate the importance of a good first draft. From good, you get great. From great, you get perfect!”

“Annabel's expertise and guidance in shaping and crafting our submission responses has made a significant difference to our business - especially in the education sector. She has assisted my team to fully understand what the client wants, helped build our offer, and invested time to research and understand our company processes so that we can set out the benefits of what we do for our clients. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her services” Head of Integrated Solutions, Galliford Try

Annabel a quick note to thank you for all of your support over the past 6 weeks with our Public Sector bid response. Working with a client who is new to the Public Sector can create a number of unique challenges, however you have been a true candid friend, displaying high levels of coaching, whilst never patronising. You have always been on hand, flexible to my moving diary, and understanding of my other, sometimes conflicting business activities.
I have been impressed with your ways of working, which are organised and easy to understand. I have never felt confused by, or out-of-step with, what is naturally an iterative answer planning and bid writing process. You remained calm, considered and professional through to the deadline, keeping your energy high which infused others, and you quite literally dragged us over the finish line.
We achieved a fantastic output of which I am both professionally and personally proud. Development Director, Yondr Group